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1.
"Our
lives
are
defined
by
opportunities,
even
the
ones
we
miss.
"
-
The
Curious
Case
of
Benjamin
Button
【Opportunity】
2.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【Passion】
3.
"We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
"
-
Edgar
Allan
Poe,
Annabel
Lee
【Love】
4.
"Some
people
can't
believe
in
themselves
until
someone
else
believes
in
them
first.
"
-
Good
Will
Hunting
【Belief】
5.
"You
mustn't
be
afraid
to
dream
a
little
bigger,
darling.
"
-
Inception
【Dream】
6.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
"
-
Winston
Churchill
【Courage】
7.
"The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
"
-
Moulin
Rouge
【Learning】
8.
"I'm
just
a
girl,
standing
in
front
of
a
boy,
asking
him
to
love
her.
"
-
Notting
Hill
【Confession】
9.
"We'll
always
have
Paris.
"
-
Casablanca
【Memories】
10.
"The
past
can
hurt.
But
the
way
see
it,
you
can
either
run
from
it
or
learn
from
it.
"
-
The
Lion
King
【Learn】
11.
"Carpe
diem.
Seize
the
day,
boys.
Make
your
lives
extraordinary.
"
-
Dead
Poets
Society
【Live】
12.
"It's
only
after
we've
lost
everything
that
we're
free
to
do
anything.
"
-
Fight
Club
【Freedom】
13.
"I
think
about
all
the
people
out
there
who
aren't
perfect,
who
don't
have
the
perfect
body,
and
just
want
them
to
know
that
the
only
thing
that's
important
is
that
you
are
the
best
version
of
yourself.
"
-
The
Princess
Diaries
【Self-acceptance】
14.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela
【Perseverance】
15.
"I
have
waited
for
this
opportunity
for
more
than
half
a
century,
to
repeat
to
you
once
again
my
vow
of
eternal
fidelity
and
everlasting
love.
"
-
Bram
Stoker's
Dracula
【Love】
16.
"To
be
or
not
to
be,
that
is
the
question.
"
-
Hamlet
【Existence】
17.
"I
wanted
it
to
be
you,
wanted
it
to
be
you
so
badly.
"
-
You've
Got
Mail
【Desire】
18.
"I'm
the
king
of
the
world!"
-
Titanic
【Achievement】
19.
"We're
all
traveling
through
time
together,
every
day
of
our
lives.
All
we
can
do
is
do
our
best
to
relish
this
remarkable
ride.
"
-
About
Time
【Time】
20.
"There's
no
place
like
home.
"
-
The
Wizard
of
Oz
【Home】