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1.
"The
flicker
of
the
candle
flame
illuminates
not
just
the
darkness,
but
also
the
depths
of
the
soul.
"
【美好启示】
2.
"A
candle
may
melt
and
its
flame
may
die,
but
the
memories
of
its
warmth
will
stay
with
us
forever.
"
【永恒回忆】
3.
"The
dance
of
the
flame
on
the
wick
of
a
candle
resembles
that
of
a
bird
spreading
its
wings
and
taking
flight.
"
【自由之舞】
4.
"With
each
flicker
of
the
candle,
a
path
is
lit
that
leads
to
hope
and
new
beginnings.
"
【照亮前行】
5.
"The
fragility
of
the
candle
flame
teaches
us
to
cherish
the
present,
for
tomorrow
it
may
be
gone
forever.
"
【珍惜当下】
6.
"Just
as
the
candle
provides
light
to
the
room,
our
actions
and
words
can
bring
light
into
someone's
life.
"
【点亮他人】
7.
"As
the
candle
burns,
it
transforms
its
surroundings
with
its
warmth
and
gentle
radiance.
"
【魅力转换】
8.
"The
flickering
of
the
candle
illuminates
our
darkest
fears
and
empowers
us
to
face
them
head
on.
"
【勇敢面对】
9.
"The
soothing
glow
of
the
candle
calms
the
mind
and
soothes
the
soul,
reminding
us
to
slow
down
and
appreciate
simplicity.
"
【安静怡人】
10.
"In
the
candle's
flame
we
see
the
hope
of
tomorrow,
the
light
of
yesterday,
and
the
calm
of
today.
"
【启示思维】
11.
"As
the
candle
burns,
it
reminds
us
that
the
smallest
flicker
of
light
can
banish
even
the
most
overwhelming
darkness.
"
【微光佑人】
12.
"Just
like
a
candle,
we
must
embrace
the
darkness
in
order
to
fully
appreciate
the
light.
"
【明暗交替】
13.
"Watching
a
candle
burn
is
a
reminder
that
life
is
a
gift
to
be
cherished,
not
wasted.
"
【珍惜生命】
14.
"With
the
right
intent,
a
single
candle
can
light
up
an
entire
room,
just
as
a
kind
word
can
change
someone's
entire
day.
"
【点滴传情】
15.
"The
beauty
of
the
candle
flame
lies
not
in
its
perfection,
but
in
its
impermanence
and
ever-changing
nature.
"
【变化万千】
16.
"Every
time
we
light
a
candle,
we
ignite
a
small
flame
of
hope
in
our
hearts.
"
【小火点大愿】
17.
"From
the
humble
candle
flame,
we
learn
that
the
most
powerful
things
in
life
often
come
in
the
smallest
packages.
"
【伟力细节】
18.
"In
the
darkness
of
the
night,
the
flicker
of
a
candle
provides
a
beacon
of
hope
and
a
reminder
of
the
beauty
that
lies
within.
"
【黑夜的寂静】
19.
"Just
like
a
candle,
our
dreams
are
fragile
and
require
tender
care
to
bring
them
to
fruition.
"
【梦想成真】
20.
"The
candle
teaches
us
that
even
in
the
midst
of
darkness,
a
single
flame
can
light
the
way
and
guide
us
through.
"
【启明灯】