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1.
Life
can
be
tough,
but
it's
nothing
compared
to
the
pain
of
feeling
alone.
【Sadness】
2.
Sometimes,
the
hardest
part
about
walking
away
from
the
person
you
love
is
realizing
that
they
never
really
loved
you.
【Heartache】
3.
Don't
hold
on
to
so
much
pain
that
you
lose
sight
of
the
beautiful
things
life
has
to
offer.
【Hope】
4.
The
most
heartbreaking
thing
is
when
someone
you
thought
was
going
to
stay
forever,
decides
to
leave.
【Love
Loss】
5.
Sometimes,
we
need
to
let
go
of
the
people
we
love
because
they
are
no
longer
good
for
us.
【Moving
On】
6.
Some
people
are
meant
to
be
in
our
lives
for
a
moment,
while
others
are
meant
to
stay
forever.
【Friendship】
7.
The
hardest
thing
about
moving
on
is
not
looking
back.
【Regret】
8.
It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all.
【Love】
9.
Losing
someone
you
love
is
like
losing
a
part
of
yourself,
but
the
memories
you
shared
will
keep
them
alive
in
your
heart
forever.
【Remembrance】
10.
Love
is
a
beautiful
feeling,
but
it
can
also
break
your
heart
into
a
million
pieces.
【Heartbreak】
11.
You
can't
control
who
you
fall
in
love
with,
but
you
can
control
how
you
let
them
affect
you.
【Self-Love】
12.
Broken
hearts
can
be
mended,
but
the
cracks
will
always
be
there
as
a
reminder
of
what
we
went
through.
【Healing】
13.
Time
may
heal
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
will
always
remain.
【Survival】
14.
It's
okay
to
cry,
to
feel
sad,
and
to
be
vulnerable,
sometimes
it's
the
only
way
to
heal.
【Emotions】
15.
Love
is
a
risk
worth
taking,
even
if
it
doesn't
work
out
in
the
end.
【Courage】
16.
Pain
may
be
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
【Perspective】
17.
We
can't
change
the
past,
but
we
can
choose
to
let
go
and
move
forward.
【Forgiveness】
18.
Sometimes
it's
the
memories
that
hurt
the
most,
but
they
are
also
the
ones
that
keep
us
going.
【Nostalgia】
19.
Life
is
too
short
to
hold
grudges,
so
forgive,
forget,
and
move
on.
【Peace】
20.
The
beauty
of
life
is
that
it
constantly
brings
new
opportunities
for
happiness,
even
after
the
darkest
times.
【Hope】