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1.
"We're
all
stories
in
the
end.
Just
make
it
a
good
one,
eh?"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
2.
"The
universe
is
big.
It's
vast
and
complicated
and
ridiculous.
And
sometimes,
very
rarely,
impossible
things
just
happen
and
we
call
them
miracles.
"
-
The
Ninth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
3.
"The
way
see
it,
every
life
is
a
pile
of
good
things
and
bad
things.
The
good
things
don't
always
soften
the
bad
things,
but
vice
versa,
the
bad
things
don't
necessarily
spoil
the
good
things
or
make
them
unimportant.
"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
4.
"We're
all
just
stories,
in
the
end.
Just
make
it
a
good
one,
eh?"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
5.
"What's
the
point
of
being
grown
up
if
you
can't
be
childish
sometimes?"
-
The
Fourth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
6.
"You
don't
just
give
up.
You
don't
just
let
things
happen.
You
make
a
stand!
You
say
no!"
-
The
Tenth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
7.
"We're
all
stories,
in
the
end.
Just
make
it
a
good
one,
eh?"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
8.
"Do
what
do.
Hold
tight
and
pretend
it's
a
plan!"
-
The
Tenth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
9.
"Some
people
live
more
in
years
than
others
do
in
80.
It's
not
the
time
that
matters,
it's
the
person.
"
-
The
Tenth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
10.
"In
nine
hundred
years
of
time
and
space,
I've
never
met
anyone
who
wasn't
important.
"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
11.
"I
am
and
always
will
be
the
optimist.
The
hoper
of
far-flung
hopes
and
the
dreamer
of
improbable
dreams.
"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
12.
"A
tear,
Sarah
Jane?
No,
don't
cry.
While
there's
life,
there's-"
-
The
Fourth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
13.
"You
must
never
give
up
hope.
We
don't
know
what's
going
to
happen.
We
just
have
to
keep
moving
forward.
"
-
The
Twelfth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
14.
"The
universe
is
full
of
surprises,
isn't
it?"
-
The
Tenth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
15.
"Letting
it
get
to
you.
You
know
what
that's
called?
Being
alive.
Best
thing
there
is.
Being
alive.
"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
16.
"We
can't
allow
any
sort
of
distractions.
We
have
an
appointment
with
death.
"
-
The
Fourth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
17.
"Some
people
live
more
in
years
than
others
do
in
80.
It's
not
the
time
that
matters,
it's
the
person.
"
-
The
Tenth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
18.
"I
am
and
always
will
be
the
optimist.
The
hoper
of
far-flung
hopes
and
the
dreamer
of
improbable
dreams.
"
-
The
Eleventh
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
19.
"The
universe
is
big
and
it's
full
of
surprises.
"
-
The
Tenth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】
20.
"I
am
the
Doctor,
whether
you
like
it
or
not.
"
-
The
Twelfth
Doctor
【doctor
who唯美句子】