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1.
"Love
is
a
contract
with
no
expiration
date,
but
it
requires
constant
amendments
of
trust,
commitment,
and
communication.
"
【Love
is
a
Contract】
2.
"The
moment
you
sign
up
for
love,
you
are
pledging
to
take
the
responsibility
of
protecting
your
partner's
heart
with
honesty,
loyalty,
and
compassion.
"
【Love
is
a
Pledge】
3.
"Love
is
like
a
marathon,
not
a
sprint.
You
can't
hit
the
finish
line
without
endurance,
perseverance,
and
patience.
"
【Love
is
a
Marathon】
4.
"In
love,
you
can't
guarantee
a
happily
ever
after,
but
you
can
promise
to
give
your
best
shot
in
making
every
day
count.
"
【Love
is
a
Promise】
5.
"Love
is
a
symphony
that
requires
harmony,
rhythm,
and
melodies
of
two
hearts
in
sync.
"
【Love
is
a
Symphony】
6.
"Love
is
a
garden
that
needs
consistent
watering,
nurturing,
and
pruning
to
bloom
into
its
full
potential.
"
【Love
is
a
Garden】
7.
"Love
is
a
bridge
that
connects
two
souls,
but
it
can
only
stand
the
test
of
time
if
it's
built
with
honesty,
respect,
and
vulnerability.
"
【Love
is
a
Bridge】
8.
"Love
is
a
blank
canvas
that
needs
the
strokes
of
compromise,
forgiveness,
and
patience
to
paint
a
beautiful
masterpiece.
"
【Love
is
a
Canvas】
9.
"Love
is
a
book
that
you
write
with
your
partner,
page
by
page,
chapter
by
chapter,
and
the
ending
is
what
you
make
of
it.
"
【Love
is
a
Book】
10.
"Love
is
a
fire
that
can
warm
your
heart
or
burn
your
bridges,
but
ultimately,
it's
up
to
you
to
control
the
flames.
"
【Love
is
a
Fire】
11.
"Love
is
a
train
that
takes
you
on
a
journey
of
ups
and
downs,
stops
and
starts,
but
if
you're
in
it
together,
the
destination
is
worth
the
ride.
"
【Love
is
a
Train】
12.
"Love
is
a
puzzle
that
needs
patience,
empathy,
and
understanding
to
solve
the
pieces,
but
once
it's
complete,
it's
a
beautiful
picture.
"
【Love
is
a
Puzzle】
13.
"Love
is
a
game
that
takes
two
to
play,
but
it's
not
about
winning
or
losing.
It's
about
having
fun,
learning,
and
growing
together.
"
【Love
is
a
Game】
14.
"Love
is
a
key
that
unlocks
the
doors
to
your
heart,
but
only
if
you
trust
the
person
holding
it.
"
【Love
is
a
Key】
15.
"Love
is
a
dance
that
requires
coordination,
synchronization,
and
creativity,
but
it's
not
about
perfection.
It's
about
enjoying
the
rhythm.
"
【Love
is
a
Dance】
16.
"Love
is
a
recipe
that
needs
the
right
ingredients
of
kindness,
respect,
and
communication
to
make
it
taste
delicious.
"
【Love
is
a
Recipe】
17.
"Love
is
a
string
that
ties
two
hearts
together,
but
it's
up
to
you
to
maintain
the
tension
and
keep
the
bond
strong.
"
【Love
is
a
String】
18.
"Love
is
a
compass
that
guides
you
through
the
rough
waters
of
life,
but
it
only
works
if
you're
willing
to
listen
to
it.
"
【Love
is
a
Compass】
19.
"Love
is
a
painting
that
reflects
your
soul,
your
emotions,
and
your
aspirations.
Make
it
a
masterpiece.
"
【Love
is
a
Painting】
20.
"Love
is
a
light
that
shines
brighter
with
every
passing
day.
Keep
it
burning
with
dedication,
devotion,
and
romance.
"
【Love
is
a
Light】