1.
"The
magic
of
a
happy
marriage
lies
in
the
beauty
of
the
ordinary
moments.
"
【幸福婚姻的魔力蕴藏在平凡时刻的美丽中。
】
2.
"In
the
routine
of
our
everyday
lives,
we
find
the
extraordinary
love
in
our
marriage.
"
【在日常生活的例行公事中,我们发现了婚姻中的非凡之爱。
】
3.
"Happily
ever
after
is
not
the
end
of
the
story,
it's
the
beginning
of
a
beautiful
journey
together.
"
【幸福的结局不是故事的终点,而是一段美丽之旅的起点。
】
4.
"It's
not
the
big
things,
but
the
small
gestures
of
love
that
matter
in
a
marriage.
"
【婚姻中重要的不是大事,而是爱的小小姿态。
】
5.
"Our
marriage
is
not
perfect,
but
our
love
for
each
other
is
real
and
true.
"
【我们的婚姻不完美,但我们对彼此的爱却是真实而真实的。
】
6.
"A
successful
marriage
isn't
about
how
rich
or
successful
you
are,
it's
about
how
well
you
love
and
respect
each
other.
"
【一个成功的婚姻不是关于你有多富有或成功,而是关于你们如何相互爱护和尊重。
】
7.
"Marriage
is
like
a
garden.
It
needs
to
be
nurtured,
cultivated
and
cared
for,
every
day.
"
【婚姻就像一座花园,需要每天精心培育和呵护。
】
8.
"To
the
world,
we
may
be
just
one
person,
but
to
each
other,
we
are
everything.
"
【对于世界,我们可能只是一个人,但对于彼此而言,我们是一切。
】
9.
"In
marriage,
it's
not
about
who
wins
or
loses,
it's
about
finding
a
way
to
compromise
and
make
each
other
happy.
"
【在婚姻中,不是谁赢谁输的问题,而是找到一种妥协的方式,让彼此快乐。
】
10.
"Marriage
is
a
journey
that
requires
patience,
understanding
and
forgiveness,
but
the
rewards
are
truly
priceless.
"
【婚姻是一段需要耐心、理解和宽容的旅程,但回报是真正无价的。
】
11.
"A
strong
and
lasting
marriage
is
built
on
a
foundation
of
trust,
respect
and
communication.
"
【一段牢固而持久的婚姻是建立在信任、尊重和沟通的基础上的。
】
12.
"The
most
important
gift
you
can
give
your
spouse
is
your
time
and
undivided
attention.
"
【你能够给予配偶最重要的礼物就是你的时间和专注。
】
13.
"Marriage
is
not
just
about
feeling
the
spark,
but
keeping
the
flame
burning
for
a
lifetime.
"
【婚姻不仅仅是感受到那一瞬间的火花,而是要让这个火苗燃烧终身。
】
14.
"The
secret
to
a
happy
marriage
is
laughter,
love
and
the
ability
to
compromise.
"
【幸福婚姻的秘诀在于欢笑、爱和妥协的能力。
】
15.
"Marriage
is
not
about
finding
the
perfect
person,
it's
about
loving
the
imperfect
person
perfectly.
"
【婚姻不是要找到完美的人,而是要完美地爱上那个不完美的人。
】
16.
"A
healthy
and
happy
marriage
is
about
giving
and
receiving
love
selflessly.
"
【一个健康而幸福的婚姻是关于无私地给予和接受爱。
】
17.
"Marriage
is
a
never-ending
journey
of
discovering
and
re-discovering
each
other.
"
【婚姻是一个永无止境的发现和重新发现对方的旅程。
】
18.
"In
a
successful
marriage,
there's
no
such
thing
as
'yours'
or
'mine',
it's
always
'ours'.
"
【在一个成功的婚姻中,不存在“你的”或“我的”,只有“我们的”。
】
19.
"Being
married
is
like
having
a
best
friend
who's
always
by
your
side,
no
matter
what.
"
【结婚就像拥有一个永远在你身边的最好的朋友,无论发生什么。
】
20.
"A
marriage
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
journey
of
two
people
growing
and
evolving
together.
"
【婚姻不是目的地,而是两个人一起成长和进化的旅程。
】
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