1.
“生活是我们身边最珍贵的财富,拥有它才是最大的幸福。
”
【Good
living
is
our
most
precious
wealth,
having
it
is
the
biggest
happiness.
】
2.
“记住,你拥有的每一刻都比你没有的值得珍惜。
”
【Remember
that
every
moment
you
have
is
worth
cherishing
more
than
those
you
don't.
】
3.
“良好的生活习惯和积极的态度可以让你更好地珍惜生活。
”
【Good
habits
and
positive
attitudes
can
help
you
appreciate
life
better.
】
4.
“别只关注远方的风景,有时候你会错过身边美好的事物。
”
【Don't
just
focus
on
the
scenery
in
the
distance,
sometimes
you
might
miss
the
beautiful
things
around
you.
】
5.
“生活中的小确幸,也许并不起眼,但它们却是让我们感到幸福的来源。
”
【The
small
moments
of
happiness
in
life
may
seem
insignificant
but
they're
actually
what
makes
us
feel
content.
】
6.
“向来生活像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么滋味。
”
【Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
you
never
know
what
flavor
you'll
get
next.
】
7.
“每天都是新的开始,珍惜每个机会,过好当下才是最重要的。
”
【Every
day
is
a
new
beginning,
cherish
every
opportunity,
and
live
in
the
moment.
】
8.
“时间飞逝,当你发现一切都变了,是时候珍惜身边的一切了。
”
【Time
flies,
when
you
realize
everything
has
changed,
it's
time
to
appreciate
what
you
have.
】
9.
“用心感受生活,才能真正地品味它。
”
【You
can
only
truly
appreciate
life
by
living
it
with
your
heart.
】
10.
“不要为明天担心,昨天已经过去,今天就珍惜它吧。
”
【Don't
worry
about
tomorrow,
yesterday's
gone,
cherish
today.
】
11.
“生活就像一场旅行,不是终点,而是沿途的风景。
”
【Life
is
like
a
journey,
it's
not
about
the
destination,
it's
about
the
views
along
the
way.
】
12.
“所谓幸福,就是在你拥有的时候珍惜,失去的时候深深怀念。
”
【Happiness
is
cherishing
what
you
have
when
you
have
it
and
missing
it
when
it's
gone.
】
13.
“生活中没有什么比快乐更重要,要时时珍惜每一瞬间。
”
【Nothing
is
more
important
than
happiness
in
life,
cherish
every
moment.
】
14.
“每个人的人生都是一种享受,要学会欣赏生活中的美好。
”
【Everyone's
life
is
a
kind
of
enjoyment,
learn
to
appreciate
the
beauty
in
life.
】
15.
“学会享受每一天的新鲜感,不管它是好的还是坏的。
”
【Learn
to
enjoy
the
novelty
of
each
day,
whether
it's
good
or
bad.
】
16.
“珍惜生命中每一个人和事,因为它是你人生路上的一道风景。
”
【Cherish
every
person
and
thing
in
your
life,
because
they're
a
part
of
your
life's
journey.
】
17.
“生活中有时候会拐个弯,但是永远不要失去欣赏生活的能力。
”
【Life
sometimes
takes
a
turn,
but
never
lose
the
ability
to
appreciate
it.
】
18.
“生活是一次奇妙的旅程,学会从中领悟生命的真谛。
”
【Life
is
a
wonderful
journey,
learn
to
understand
the
essence
of
life
from
it.
】
19.
“珍惜每一个拥有的机会和意外,因为对于生命而言,它们的价值不言而喻。
”
【Cherish
every
opportunity
and
surprise
you
have,
their
value
to
life
is
self-evident.
】
20.
“我们拥有的生命时间是有限的,所以要好好珍惜它,去做自己想做的事。
”
【Our
time
on
earth
is
limited,
so
cherish
it
and
do
what
you
want
to
do.
】
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