1.
"Love
is
worth
fighting
for,
and
I'm
not
giving
up
just
yet.
"
【挽回】
2.
"Sometimes,
all
it
takes
is
a
little
effort
to
save
a
relationship
that's
worth
it.
"
【双方努力】
3.
"I'm
not
ready
to
let
go
of
what
we
have,
so
I'm
fighting
to
keep
us
together.
"
【坚决不放弃】
4.
"I'll
do
whatever
it
takes
to
make
things
right
between
us.
"
【决心改变】
5.
"We've
been
through
so
much
together,
and
I'm
not
ready
to
throw
it
all
away.
"
【回忆往事】
6.
"I
know
we
can
work
through
our
problems
and
come
out
stronger
on
the
other
side.
"
【相信我们的未来】
7.
"I
refuse
to
let
our
relationship
become
just
a
memory.
"
【不愿妥协】
8.
"There's
nothing
more
beautiful
than
two
people
who
fight
to
be
together.
"
【向往美好】
9.
"Love
is
a
journey,
and
I'm
not
ready
to
give
up
on
ours
just
yet.
"
【爱是一场不断奋斗的旅程】
10.
"I'm
committed
to
making
things
right,
one
step
at
a
time.
"
【一步步改变】
11.
"I'm
sorry
for
my
mistakes,
and
I'm
willing
to
work
on
them
to
make
things
better.
"
【道歉】
12.
"I'm
not
looking
for
a
way
out
–
I'm
looking
for
a
way
to
make
things
work.
"
【态度决定一切】
13.
"I'm
not
perfect,
but
I'm
willing
to
learn
and
grow
with
you.
"
【共同进步】
14.
"Love
isn't
always
easy,
but
it's
always
worth
fighting
for.
"
【爱值得我们用心去守护】
15.
"I'm
not
giving
up
hope
on
us
just
yet.
"
【保持信念】
16.
"We
may
have
our
differences,
but
we
can
work
through
them
together.
"
【坦诚沟通】
17.
"I'm
not
ready
to
let
our
love
story
end
just
yet.
"
【结束会有遗憾】
18.
"I
know
we
can
get
through
this
tough
time
together.
"
【共渡难关】
19.
"Our
love
deserves
a
second
chance,
and
I'm
willing
to
fight
for
it.
"
【珍惜彼此】
20.
"Let's
work
towards
a
future
filled
with
love,
forgiveness,
and
happiness.
"
【共建美好未来】
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