1.
"The
days
that
have
passed
are
like
chapters
in
a
book,
each
one
adding
to
the
story
of
our
lives.
"
【美丽的故事,留给时光回味。
】
2.
"We
cannot
change
the
past,
but
we
can
learn
from
it
and
make
a
better
future.
"
【回首往事,做出更好的自己。
】
3.
"Time
is
the
most
precious
thing
we
have,
and
once
it's
gone,
we
can
never
get
it
back.
"
【时间是最珍贵的财富,珍惜它。
】
4.
"The
memories
of
the
past
are
like
flowers
that
never
fade,
but
bloom
forever
in
our
hearts.
"
【往事如花,绽放在记忆的角落里。
】
5.
"The
moments
that
have
passed
are
like
footprints
in
the
sand,
reminding
us
of
where
we've
been
and
where
we're
going.
"
【时间的脚印,铭记过去,指引未来。
】
6.
"Every
day
is
a
new
chapter
in
the
story
of
our
lives,
so
make
each
day
count.
"
【每一天都是一段美好的故事,好好珍惜。
】
7.
"The
days
that
have
passed
may
be
gone,
but
the
lessons
we've
learned
from
them
will
stay
with
us
forever.
"
【时间匆匆,而得来的经验却铭记在心。
】
8.
"Life
is
like
a
book,
with
each
day
a
new
page
waiting
to
be
written.
"
【人生如书,每一天都是新篇章的开始。
】
9.
"The
past
is
a
place
of
reflection,
not
regret.
It's
where
we
learn
from
our
mistakes
and
use
them
to
move
forward.
"
【回首往事,反思而不悔恨。
它是我们前行路上的风景。
】
10.
"We
may
not
be
able
to
go
back
and
change
things,
but
we
can
choose
how
we
let
them
affect
us.
"
【无法改变已经发生的事情,但我们可以选择如何去面对。
】
11.
"Every
day
is
an
opportunity
to
make
new
memories
and
write
a
new
chapter
in
the
story
of
our
lives.
"
【每一天都是新的机会,记录新的故事。
】
12.
"The
past
is
a
treasure
trove
of
memories,
each
one
a
precious
gem
in
the
story
of
our
lives.
"
【回忆的宝藏,镶嵌着一颗颗闪闪发光的珍珠。
】
13.
"Time
is
a
precious
gift,
so
use
it
wisely
and
make
every
day
count.
"
【时间是一份珍贵的礼物,善加利用,让每一天都有意义。
】
14.
"The
past
may
be
behind
us,
but
it
shapes
who
we
are
today
and
who
we
will
become
tomorrow.
"
【过去已逝,但它塑造了我们的今天,以及明天的样子。
】
15.
"Life
is
a
beautiful
journey,
and
every
day
is
a
new
adventure
waiting
to
be
discovered.
"
【生命是一段美丽的旅程,每一天都有新的冒险等待我们去探索。
】
16.
"Our
past
mistakes
are
like
stepping
stones,
guiding
us
towards
a
brighter
future.
"
【犯过的错,像是指路的石子,引领我们走向光明的未来。
】
17.
"The
past
is
a
canvas,
the
present
a
brush,
and
the
future
a
masterpiece
waiting
to
be
painted.
"
【过去是画布,现在是画笔,未来是等待绘制的杰作。
】
18.
"The
days
that
have
passed
may
be
gone,
but
the
memories
we've
made
will
live
on
forever.
"
【时间匆匆,往事如烟,留下的回忆将永远在心中。
】
19.
"The
past
may
be
filled
with
darkness,
but
it's
what
makes
the
light
shine
even
brighter.
"
【过去可能充满黑暗,但它让光芒更加闪亮。
】
20.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
each
passing
day
is
a
new
mile
marker
on
the
road
to
our
destiny.
"
【生命是一段旅程,每一天都是通往命运的新标记。
】
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