1.
“Life
is
a
beautiful
journey,
even
when
we
have
to
say
goodbye.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
2.
“Saying
goodbye
may
be
hard,
but
it
is
also
a
reminder
of
the
love
and
memories
we
shared.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
3.
“The
pain
of
saying
goodbye
may
fade
with
time,
but
the
memories
will
last
forever.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
4.
“When
it’s
time
to
say
goodbye,
hold
onto
the
precious
moments
you
had
with
the
person.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
5.
“Saying
goodbye
is
bittersweet,
but
it’s
also
a
necessary
part
of
life.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
6.
“Goodbyes
are
not
the
end,
but
a
new
beginning
of
a
different
chapter
in
life.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
7.
“The
beauty
of
saying
goodbye
is
that
it
opens
up
space
for
new
opportunities
and
people
in
our
lives.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
8.
“The
hardest
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
were
never
said.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
9.
“Saying
goodbye
is
never
easy,
but
it’s
a
sign
of
growth
and
progress
in
life.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
10.
“Goodbyes
are
a
necessary
heartache
in
life,
but
they
also
make
us
value
the
time
we
have
with
loved
ones.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
11.
“Saying
goodbye
can
be
a
painful
reminder
of
our
mortality,
but
it
also
encourages
us
to
live
every
day
to
the
fullest.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
12.
“The
memories
we
make
with
the
people
we
love
are
what
keep
them
with
us
even
after
we
say
goodbye.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
13.
“Saying
goodbye
is
like
closing
a
book,
but
there’s
always
a
new
chapter
waiting
to
be
written.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
14.
“Even
when
we
say
goodbye,
the
love
and
connection
we
had
with
someone
never
truly
fades
away.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
15.
“The
more
goodbyes
we
say,
the
stronger
we
become
at
handling
the
ups
and
downs
of
life.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
16.
“Therapy
for
the
soul
comes
in
the
form
of
saying
goodbye.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
17.
“Goodbye
is
just
a
word,
but
it
can
hold
the
weight
of
a
million
emotions.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
18.
“Saying
goodbye
is
not
the
end,
it’s
just
the
beginning
of
a
new
journey.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
19.
“There’s
always
a
silver
lining
to
saying
goodbye,
it
just
may
take
time
to
find
it.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
20.
“Saying
goodbye
to
someone
we
love
is
never
easy,
but
it’s
a
testament
to
the
power
of
human
connection.
”
【再见文案温柔生活治愈句子】
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