声明:内容来自互联网不代表本站观点,转载请注明:https://www.5556669999.com/ycFG4TbcTjpi.html
1.
“Don’t
settle
for
being
gentle,
go
out
and
be
happy!”】
2.
“Life
is
too
short
to
settle
for
merely
being
kind,
enjoy
every
moment.
”】
3.
“Happiness
is
the
ultimate
goal,
so
don’t
be
afraid
to
be
bold!”】
4.
“Being
timid
won’t
get
you
anywhere,
embrace
joy
with
open
arms.
”】
5.
“Sometimes
being
tough
is
necessary
for
true
happiness.
”】
6.
“Don’t
let
others’
expectations
hold
you
back,
live
your
life
on
your
terms.
”】
7.
“Being
gentle
is
overrated,
show
the
world
your
fierce
side.
”】
8.
“Life
is
full
of
ups
and
downs,
but
happiness
is
always
within
reach.
”】
9.
“Being
gentle
is
fine,
but
true
happiness
comes
from
being
bold.
”】
10.
“Life
is
too
unpredictable
to
take
it
slow,
let’s
grab
it
by
the
horns
and
have
some
fun!”】
11.
“Live
life
with
joy
and
passion,
not
just
with
gentleness
and
grace.
”】
12.
“Sometimes
the
happiest
moments
in
life
come
from
stepping
outside
of
your
comfort
zone.
”】
13.
“Don’t
wait
for
life
to
happen
to
you,
grab
it
and
make
it
your
own.
”】
14.
“Being
happy
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination,
so
enjoy
every
step
along
the
way.
”】
15.
“Don’t
be
afraid
to
live
life
to
the
fullest,
it’s
the
only
way
to
truly
be
happy.
”】
16.
“Being
kind
is
important,
but
being
happy
is
essential.
”】
17.
“Life
is
too
short
to
be
gentle
all
the
time,
let’s
go
live
it
up!”】
18.
“Happiness
is
a
state
of
mind,
so
choose
to
be
happy
and
let
the
rest
fall
into
place.
”】
19.
“Don’t
let
society
dictate
how
you
should
live
your
life,
create
your
own
path
to
happiness.
”】
20.
“In
the
pursuit
of
happiness,
don’t
forget
to
have
fun
along
the
way.
”】